In your life you are the star. Sometimes we forget to shine

It’s easy to shine when you get out of your own way. Stop paying attention to the “shoulds” other people are so quick to share. Pay attention, instead, to the truth that is you — your inner wisdom and beauty. . Enjoy and SHINE ON! Top 10 Tickets to Stardom Are you ready to have that big break? See your name in lights? Or … Read entire article »

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Who Can Relate To Passion Fatigue?

Have you ever said, “I just don’t feel passionate or inspired about anything any more.” What happens sometimes is that the duty, responsibility, the grind, being overworked and sometimes under-acknowledged takes its toll and you are suddenly feeling burnt out – ticked off, or just plain tired and exhausted. Passion is not out there somewhere hiding waiting to be found. Instead it comes from inside. Developing the ability to recognize and feel passion is necessary in order to experience. It’s power to transform and improve our lives. That’s half of it. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT THERE IS no separation out in the world WITH WHAT YOU DO AND WHO YOUR ARE. … Read entire article »

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Life Is Like a Dance

“Life is a dance, you learn as you go. Sometimes you lead and sometimes you follow. Don’t worry that you don’t know, you learn as you go.” Above are lyrics from a song. I liked it because it made me think, life is like a dance which I love to do. Life is like a dance, sometimes we know the steps and sometimes we make them up. Sometimes we follow the music and sometimes we make up our own tune. Sometimes we get our toes stepped on and sometimes we step on others toes. Sometimes we slow dance and sometimes we fast dance. There are even times … Read entire article »

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Do Others Know You Changed?

Change is a process and doesn’t always come easy. When we grow and discover who we are it can be uncomfortable. However, we are not the only ones that need to adjust to our changes. Those around us may resist the changes we are making. When we change, the people in our lives can become confused. They are used to us being a certain way and they may be upset by the differences they are seeing in us. This is normal and with understanding and communication can usually be dealt with. There are times when change will mean that what worked in the past for us no longer works. This … Read entire article »

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The Alternative to Growing Old

I don’t understand why people are so upset about growing older. Growing older is such fun, watching the twist and turns life takes. Even if I could I wouldn’t go back to being younger. Life just keeps getting better. I do remember when I dreaded getting older. I thought turning 50 was the worst thing that could ever happen to me. It wasn’t. What I learned is that growing older beats the alternative, and the alternative, dying, is going to come sooner than later; so why waste it worrying about something we can’t prevent. Why not enjoy each year, each day, each moment to the fullest. If you … Read entire article »

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A Leopard Never Changes Its Spots

My mother use to say, “A Leopard never changes it spots” to mean that people do not change. I use to think this was true. However, now I realize that is isn’t true at all. People change all the time. We can’t help but to change through our life experiences. Now if someone makes a choice not to change, that is another story; they might want their spots to stay the same. But how sad not to grow into the full potential of whom we are.   Not to change means we don’t grow, develop, or mature; we simply remain stagnant. One of the saddest things I ever heard … Read entire article »

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Dee’s Clients

All State, Cemex, Princess Cruise Lines … Read entire article »

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Laugh and Learn at Lunch

Poet Robert Frost once said, “In three words, I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life. It goes on.” In this playful and fun lunch presentation participants will learn: How to be irresistibly attractive How to handle rejection personally and professionally How to compliment a man and how to compliment a woman The #1 quality that makes you an attraction magnet … Read entire article »

Filed under: Keynotes

Life is the Event: How to be the Star

Being the star in your life requires launching a planned and proactive program to empower yourself. During this interactive presentation participants will find the answers to these questions: What are my self sabotaging beliefs? How do I identify my true values? How can I accept responsibility for what happens in my life? How can I attract the perfect client to increase my business? What are the Top 10 tickets to stardom? … Read entire article »

Filed under: Keynotes

Choosing to Change

As a Professional, Coach Dee’s function is to help people recognize their inner wisdom and excellence. Dee helps to separate this from one’s fears, limiting beliefs, barriers, walls and assumptions that build up over the years and prevent people from living the life they want. Choosing to change the way we view or react to circumstances . . . will very often change the outcome of those circumstances. Dee will show you how to: Develop a healthy perspective on change Improve your beliefs about self worth Simplify your life to restore balance … Read entire article »

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